The following destructive messages are rampant in our culture. Teaching your children about them will help them develop a healthy identity.
Kids today are being raised in a performance-driven culture. Good grades, athletic trophies, ribbons at music and debate tournaments, and badges earned for activities conquered seem to signify to others that they’re doing well in life and to us as parents that we’re raising highly productive children. Encouraging your kids to strive to do their best is an important incentive to work hard and develop the trait of perseverance. Yet when excellence in performance is emphasized more than excellence in character, coping with the pressure to perform or the inability to perform well may lead our kids to self-destructive behaviors. This article provides some ideas on determining how much extra-curricular activity is too much.
It doesn’t help that our culture definitely elevates some skills—specifically athletic, musical, and intellectual talents—over others. Some kids aren’t able to perform well in these areas simply because they lack the physical, creative, or intellectual skills to do so. And the adage that “You can do anything you want to if you simply believe in yourself” is misleading. While desire and will can take us far in life, they can’t overcome some of the deficits that exist in all of us at some level.
If your child struggles with self-destructive behaviors, in addition to seeking medical and psychological help for her, begin to encourage her to love and respect herself for who God made her to be instead of for what she has done or accomplished. It helps if you
Failure is a part of life, so much so that most people have far more experience with failures than with successes in life. Think about it. The road to learning a new skill is almost always littered with multiple failed attempts along the way. In fact, trying and failing is usually necessary in order to find the right answer.
Michael Jordan, one of the greatest basketball players of all time, failed to make his high school’s varsity team as a sophomore. That failure, he said, instilled in him the drive to improve. Even when he was a professional player, failure was a necessary part of his success.
“I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career,” Jordan once said. “I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times, I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”[1]
Even so, failure is often presented as something to be avoided in 21st century culture. It’s as if failing at something makes you, as a person, a failure. To further irritate the wound of failing, peers tend to attach labels such as loser to their friends who’ve been unsuccessful in various ways and then broadcast their failures over social media platforms. This leaves the person who has failed feeling alone, discouraged, and in need of comfort that may be found in some self-destructive behaviors. Let your children fail and encourage them to accept failure as a part of life if you
Commercials and culture in general give the message that we deserve to be happy. This false message removes gratitude, which is an antidote to depression. Nothing is deserved. Happiness actually comes from close and connected relationships, optimism, healthy decision-making, and resilient thinking. The message “I deserve . . . ” leaves kids looking for happiness through drugs, sex, risk, money, and many other things. God provides some guidance on contentment through His Word. He tells us in Philippians 4:8 what to think about to help our thoughts be less anxious. He tells us that He comes alongside the humble, that He will satisfy the thirsty, and that He will strengthen the weak. Scripture and science both agree that gratitude, instead of demands, brings a sense of contentment, which can lead to happy feelings.
The reality is that drugs, alcohol, sex, and money create a temporary fix, providing good feelings lasting for only a moment. Depending on these things to meet our needs is similar to drinking soda while hiking in the desert—a sugary drink might taste good at first, but it will only leave you thirstier and dehydrated. The pursuit of money, drugs, alcohol, and sex outside of marriage will likewise leave you with temporary relief that unravels and dehydrates the soul over time. Our brain tends to gravitate toward the easiest way to feel pleasure but benefits most from our self-discipline and motivation to pursue the higher and more satisfying longer-term goal. Learning how to manage pain, disappointment, loss, relationships, failure, and loneliness takes effort, but is worth it in the long run.