“Some people always use the word “social media” as a negative and think no good can come of it.”

Romans 8:28   – And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.


There was a study that came out of Oxford University in 2019 that found that teenagers who spent one or two hours online for personal use each day had better emotional well-being and connectedness than those who did not. It is important to note that when there was more screen time than two hours teenagers’ emotional well-being did start to decline.

Przybylski, A. K., Orben, A., & Weinstein, N. (2020). How much is too much? Examining the relationship between digital screen engagement and psychosocial functioning in a confirmatory cohort study. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 59(9), 1080-1088.

Social media can be a fantastic way to meet positive people, to learn about new and exciting causes and ideas. One of the things we know that can build well-being is learning a new skill, such as learning a language or how to cook. By following some of these how-to pages your children can learn lots of valuable life skills.

  1. Parents should try to teach their children about positive social media use.
  2. Try and teach your children to think carefully about the people who they follow, do they follow people who make them better people?
  3. Do the people they follow have a spirit of generosity and want to make the world better?
  4. Or are they following people who create anger and diversion?
  5. Do they feel angry after being on social media, do they ever feel worthless?
  6. Following people who always brag about their achievements, without talking about their struggles can give people an unrealistic view of what success involves.
  7. It is really important to have these conversations with your children, ideally before they start using social media, but it is never too late.